Modern Work

5 Ways Managers Can Succeed in a Hybrid Workspace

By Shawn Smith,

Published on Aug 26, 2022   —   2 min read


5 ways a manger can build a great team culture in today's modern workplace.

After COVID, the working environment in the offices has drastically changed. Especially for the co-workers in the hybrid environment, it was like hitting the wall.

Managers play a key role in developing relationships among employees and especially new ones.

Managers need to foster healthy relationships among their co-workers by creating a rapport with one another. Sounds simple, right?

Here are five ways a manager can initiate a friendly working environment in the today's hybrid environment.

Shared Ambitions

Creating a sense of shared ambition and expectations among each member will provide the whole team a sense of togetherness.

We know that most people want to complete their part so that others are not let down. In the time of need, others will hold each other accountable and support them to perform the task. This infuses team spirit.

Setting mutual expectations will provide a pathway towards greater outcomes.

Know Their Lives

In a hybrid setting, we see that the team members are often isolated. It is imperative for managers to keep in touch with them. It is he who decides what to know about their lives and how. Not the other way around.

Personalisation gives a feeling of belonging

Weekly or fortnightly, the manager should make a call or send an email to check what is going on in their lives. Let's pause here for a moment. This needs to be personal. Not contrived. It needs to be genuine and come from a place where you know it's real.

Not only does this provide a medium to vent their stresses but they will definitely share a bond of friendship of understanding.

Physical Meetings: A Pre-requisite

When the timings right (or mandated), it is better for the team that there should be in-person meetings. The purpose focused on everyone bonding that little more with one another.

Going a little deeper. Healthy debates and bigger tasks/projects should be out into the open. Search for suggestions, feedback and constructive conversations to ignite the group.

Co-workers can engage in meaningful discussions and develop personal relationships. This will build further bonds that is then taken back into the hybrid environment.

A Token of Appreciation

Appreciation goes a long way. It's a handy tool to create a healthy relationship among team members. It is the for the managers to keep on appreciating good work by the team members. It will instil in them a spirit of belonging to the company.


With the growing hybrid environment, the onus of maintaining social bonds among the employees lies more on you, the manager.

The primary focus has shifted towards team engagement, social connection, and amusement. These are intrinsic characteristics of the working office environment.

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